Most people have only one skin care routine all year-round, but this is a big mistake. In fact, a different skin care routine throughout the seasons is necessary to adapt to changing environments, which may affect your skin differently. If you do not adjust your skin care routine depending on the season, skin problems like breakouts and excessive dryness may occur.
In fact, dermatologists recommend a different skin care routine with every season. According to Lisa Ginn, MD who is a prestigious dermatologist at a renowned clinic in Chevy Chase, Maryland, she uses two different skin care regimens for the summer and winter.
By doing so, she says the much dreaded dull look between seasons can be p+revented. Check out the following skin care routine throughout the seasons, which you can follow:
Skin Care Tips for winter
1. Reduce Exfoliating
In you skin care routine throughout the seasons, exfoliating needs to vary accordingly. During winter, you don’t need to exfoliate your skin as much. It would also be advisable to switch to a less harsh exfoliator like those that are fruit acid-based.
Skin brighteners are okay as long as they don’t contain potentially harmful ingredients like strong chemicals. There are natural active ingredients like papaya extract which have been shown to remove the top layer of the skin while at the same time sealing in moisture.
Also, make sure that the product you purchase is designed specifically for your skin type. Avoid chemical peels and other procedures that are too harsh on the skin to prevent sensitivity problems and peeling.
2. Moisturize More Often
During winter, the skin is dryer and usually more sensitive. For dry skin, use products that have powerful moisturizers like hyaluronic acid which is rich and soothing. Look for creams or other formulations that contain Shea butter or olive oil which are amazing natural moisturizers.
Over the hyaluronic acid serum, these will give the skin an attractive glow. Whenever your skin becomes dry, moisturize. This is important especially on your face in order to prevent damage and other problems that can lead to premature skin aging.
3. Use Sunscreen
Most people make the mistake of not using sunscreen when the sun isn’t out. Sunscreen should be used all year-round especially if you’re outdoors for prolonged periods.
The glare from the snow can be as harmful to the skin as sun exposure. The ultraviolet rays of the sun can even penetrate clouds and cause damage to the skin. Remember to re-apply sunscreen often especially if you are sweating or swimming.
4. Avoid Extremely Hot Water
Small and subtle changes in your skin care routine for changing seasons also make a big difference. Hence, pay heed to your daily activities such as how long you should take a shower and what is the ideal temperature.
Usage of extremely hot water for a longer duration may rob your skin of its much needed hydration, making it dry, red, and itchy. While you may be enticed for a hot shower during winter, opt for lukewarm water for a shorter duration.
5. Use gentle and effective cleansers
Do not opt for harsh cleansers that contain artificial fragrances and alcohol as they may irritate your skin. Cold weather and external elements are already harsh on your skin.
Instead find cleansers that contain natural elements and are gentle on your skin, helping it retain its moisture as much as possible. Do a patch test or talk to your dermatologist, especially if you have a skin condition.
Skin Care Tips for Summer
1. Exfoliate More Often
In your skin care routine throughout the seasons, exfoliating is a crucial seasonal skin care; however, its extent may vary as per season. Exfoliate the skin more frequently during summer but it would be advisable to use a gentler formulation.
It is best used in combination at the end of a shower once the skin has already absorbed the steam. This enables the top layer of dead skin to come off easily preparing the skin for absorbing moisture.
There are deeper exfoliation procedures that can be done by a skin care professional when needed. This will get rid of dead skin cells and unclog pores beneath the surface of the skin.
2. Moisturize Less Often
Moisturizing is important all year round but for those with normal, oily and combination skin need to be able to attract and seal water into the skin without the added oil. Look for products that contain hyaluronic acid which is a humectant meaning it attracts water from the surrounding area providing soothing moisture.
3. Use Sunscreen
While planning your skin care routine for the changing season, do not, at all costs, forget to carry sunscreen, especially during summers or if you stay in a tropical area. It is obviously more important to use sunscreen during the summer time when sun exposure is at its highest.
Remember to use a generous amount of sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30. A shot glass of sunscreen is enough to cover the whole body. Do not forget to re-apply after every two hours and more often when you are sweating or swimming.
4. Drink lots of water
Water is your best friend during summer, which helps keep your skin hydrated and glowing. Additionally, it helps flush out toxins, reducing instances of dehydration. Carry water with you whenever you are traveling during summers. It will be a quick fix to making you feel rejuvenated.
5. Give importance to your eyes and lips
While planning a skin care routine throughout the seasons, do not forget that weather affects your lips too. Summers are harsh to skin below your eyes and lips too. Your eyes may burn and feel irritated during summers.
Also, lips may lose moisture and become dry, if you stay in an area that has a dry climate. Carry a lip balm and keep washing your face and eyes with clean, cool water at regular intervals to stay refreshed.
Skin Care Tips for Spring
1. Seasonal Skin Care: Do Some Spring Cleaning on your Skin Care Products
During springtime, your skin care routine should be similar to the one for winter. However, this is the perfect time to do some spring cleaning on your old skin care products and cosmetics.
Check the expiration dates on the different skin care products on your cabinet and throw away those that are expired or appear crusty. Clean up your makeup brushes as they may carry a great degree of bacteria. This will help prevent skin problems from developing. Remember that sunscreen is still a must even during cloudy days. As for your moisturizer, it would be ideal to switch to a lighter formula to control oiliness.
2. Exfoliating
Exfoliate that extra layer of winter duds that might have created a layer of dead skin. Exfoliating should still be done but only around 2 to 3 times every week. A warm water bath may help in this and get your skin ready for spring glow.
3. Include Fresh Veggies In Your Diet
While transitioning your skin care routine throughout the seasons do not forget to focus on what you eat. Spring is a good time to snack on fresh veggies and fruits. Red and orange colored vegetables contain a lot of antioxidants, which can make your skin look radiant and youthful. Apart from this, citrus fruits make your skin glow.
4. Opt for a light moisturizer
Your skin care routine throughout the seasons needs to change according to the weather. While your skin still needs to remain hydrated, overuse of a heavy moisturizer may leave a residue on your face. Instead, carry a light moisturizer, which can give you the much needed moisture.
5. Use a BB Cream for Lighter Makeup
Use lighter makeup during spring and try out a Beauty Balm (BB) cream as it may help you hydrate, protect, and illuminate the skin at the same time. It contains vital elements that will nourish your skin and smoothen its texture. Change your makeup style as per the skin care routine for changing seasons.
Adopting a different skin care routine for changing seasons is a smart move as you can adopt a conducive skin regimen accordingly.
Bear in mind to consider your skin type, allergies, and weather in your location while selecting moisturizers. Humidity levels fluctuate according to the weather while causing moisture in skin to change, making seasonal skin care necessary.
Iis important to change your skin care routine as the season changes. Take note of the skin care tips in this article according to the season so that you will be able to prevent a common skin problem that occurs during shifts in season.
Remember that there is no skin care routine that works for everyone since we have different skin types, so you need to experiment a little to find the best one for you. Apart from these, do follow basic hygiene tips such as keeping your makeup tools clean and avoiding oily and fast food, which cause your skin to suffer.
What skin care routine throughout the seasons do you follow? Share with us in the comments section.